Rarin' to Race

The Love Bug is a 1969 American comedy film and the first in the series of films made by Walt Disney Productions about a pearl-white 1963 Volkswagen racing Beetle named Herbie.

The movie follows the adventures of Herbie, Herbie's driver (Jim Douglas) and Jim's love interest (Carole Bennett).

    Sculptor: Blaise Gauba

    Release Date: February 2008

    Item Number: 11K-46046-0 or 1210984

    Issue Price: $150

    Size: 4"

  • Engine cover handle, front lights, door hinges and wire antennae from pewter. Front and rear bumpers and side mirror are made from bronze.
  • Exclusive to the Disney Store and Disney Gallery Stores.
  • NLE - 2,500 pieces

WDCC Pete's Dragon - Elliott

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